Choose The Right Keywords For SEO With Semalt

There is no doubt that keyword research and selection strategy are the most important parts of SEO! Because it is precisely the keywords or phrases that your customers use to search for products or services similar to yours, they are the alpha and omega that judge the success or failure of your website.

This means that the choice of keywords you make must attract the maximum number of visitors to your site as well as the maximum number of potential customers. In other words, to succeed with SEO, you need to choose the right keywords.

However, choosing the right keywords cannot be done without using a better SEO tool such as the SEO Personal Dashboard

In this article, we will tell you about the methods and tips to choose the right keywords and share the best SEO tool to use. 

What is SEO, and how do keywords help in content?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a series of actions that help your website content rise high in search engines (Google, Bing) when people search for something related. It is a time-consuming process and requires certain technical actions (secure site, fast speed, etc.) but also content actions to be done correctly. 

The more targeted and well-chosen the keywords you use, the more likely it is that your content will appear in searches organically, i.e. without paying for advertising. But how do you find what people are looking for? The answer to that question is in the rest of our article.

What is keyword research, and why is it important for a brand?

It's about identifying all the words and phrases that people search for in a topic over a given period of time. Search is dynamic, which means that it changes regularly, and the search results change with it, based on search trends. 

However, there are always patterns around certain topics, and these are the ones a brand needs to identify in order to create the right, targeted content. Keywords include not only the words themselves, but also more general phrases, as well as the frequency with which the search is performed by buyer personas. 

Simply put, keywords are the essence of any content strategy that brands must have, as this can bring in more traffic, but also more audience related to the topic. The main elements of keywords that platforms and tools display are:

How do I do keyword research?

To do proper keyword research, some tools, free or paid, must be used. However, the process always starts from one point: your own analysis of your brand and what exactly you do, what your goals are, and who you target. 

Write down some of the words that come to your mind and how you think your customers would look for you. This list is your starting point - a first draft for the whole process.

The next step is to use the right tool. The most popular and powerful search tool is the SEO Personal Dashboard. To access it, you simply need a Gmail account and access to the platform. In the platform settings, you can access the keyword planner. 

Then, enter a topic that concerns you, such as "SEO". A list of matching phrases that people are searching for is instantly created with indicators for each: average monthly search, competition, and the average cost per keyword in case you run ads (Google search ads) and a user clicks on your ad.

How do I choose which words or phrases to target?

Although most users consider the most popular words to be the best choices, the results are usually the opposite, as there is a lot of competition and, therefore, you will have less chance of appearing in the search. When deciding which keywords to use, you should consider the following factors, among others:
Now that we know how to find our keywords and what they are actually used for, let's find out some tips on how to stand out from the competition when it comes to keyword selection.

Check your audience's search trends

Before you start creating content for your website, first check the search trends of your audience.

For example, even if you have a women's clothing business, if for example, your customers are searching for the phrase women's formal dresses, you can't focus on the phrase casual dresses.

The keywords or phrases you use should be closely related to your audience's search trends to increase traffic and sales.

Check to see how "commercial" the keywords you want to use are.

As you understand, when you have a business, it's not enough for the keywords you use to have traffic, they must also have commercial value.

For example, a phrase that may have a lot of traffic is "new fashion trends", but that doesn't mean it has commercial value for your business. On the contrary, the phrase women's sportswear may have a lower search than the phrase we mentioned above, but it is being done by people who want to buy something and therefore has a much higher business value for you.

See if you can conquer the top of Google

As we said before, choosing the right keywords aims to increase traffic to your website and conquer the top of Google results.

But to do this, you have to check the phrases you will use and their competition, that is, if a phrase has, for example, 15 million results. You understand that it will not be easy to position your website at the top of Google with such a keyword.

But if the competition is 500,000, it is much more likely that you will get to the top.

However, for the keyword and content marketing strategy you follow to be successful, it must be designed and implemented by experienced professionals and content marketers who will know exactly what to do and when to lead you to success and increased business.

In other words, you need the experienced content marketers and SEO experts of Semalt with years of experience in the content marketing industry and a wide range of successful SEO projects.

Contact us now and let us design your own successful keyword marketing strategy that will achieve your SEO goals.

Narrow down your options 

Don't target hundreds of keywords. Limit your research to the top 10 SEO keywords, and each keyword can have 3 to 5 additional keywords per page. The secondary keyword uses semantic or phrase matching. 

If you are looking for coffee mugs, your secondary keyword could be "best coffee mugs". Refining your keyword list will help you make a clear and accurate decision. You can use the DSD tool to make it faster and sharper. This tool will help you block keywords that are too narrow to be searched. It also helps to avoid keyword competition. 

Thus, the list of keywords you create becomes your final list to help you improve your search engine rankings. As you will see, finding a keyword is not that difficult, but it does require patience. 


After completing a keyword search, analyze it to see if it is effective or not. Do some testing! This way, you can determine which keywords attract the most visitors to your website. Make sure you have the Google Search Console set up on your site. 

What better tool to find keywords?

There are more well-known tools like Moz, Ubersuggest, and Ahrefs, each offering a subscription package with different features. However, if you want the best SEO tool, with the best value for your money, there is nothing better than the SEO Personal Dashboard.

This tool is essential for researching keywords to insert into your content strategy for maximum results, both organic and paid.


All the useful details of targeting the right keywords to rank better on Google have been covered above. We hope this article will help you improve your ranking with the most suitable SEO keywords. 

However, keep in mind that any keyword research strategy will only pay off if you have the best SEO tool to perform the various tasks required. For this, the SEO Personal Dashboard is the right tool for you. Moreover, you can use it for free to analyze your website and find out what improvements you need to make. 

We will be happy to answer your various questions and concerns and especially to read you in the comments.